SWAP Model Center

SWAP leases land at Ahero, about 100 meters from the Nyando River to put up a model village which is intended to showcase the public health interventions that SWAP deals with in the community.
In collaboration with the University of Illinois and funding from Bill and Melinda Gates SWAP established a decentralized solar powered safe water enterprise.  It produces ozone for disinfection on-site using new micro-plasma technology. The water is pumped from a very contaminated river Nyando. No ground water is depleted. The water following treatment is sold to community members and water vendors while SWAP continues to offer technical support and water quality testing. The community prefers this water because most water sources in Ahero are salty and have interrupted supply. The center has a training room which is often used by health stakeholders, including the Ministry of Health. There is a clean Sato Toilet with a hand washing station with liquid soap for demonstration. The traditional kitchen is used for cooking and for demonstration, showing the clean energy cook stoves.
Inside the model village there is a kiosk where health and hygiene products are displayed and sold. The model village has become a learning hub for local and international universities and research institutions. In 2023 two international film crews came from Dubai to film at the site about the water technology and global water scarcity. The health  interventions that SWAP deals with in the community. These include; Water Enterprise, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), improved traditional kitchen and a kiosk with health products. In collaboration with the University of Illinois and funding from Bill and Melinda Gates SWAP established a water enterprise using solar powered ozonation system in order to more effectively improve water quality. The treatment chain includes the addition of a flocculating agent (aluminum sulfate) to the water before it is ozonated. Water is drawn from the river Nyando which is very turbid and contaminated. The water following treatment is sold to community members and water vendors while SWAP continues to offer technical support and water testing.
The community prefers this water because most water sources in Ahero are salty and have interrupted supply. SWAP is mentoring a local CBO for the supervision and management. The center also has a training / meeting room which is often used by other partners including the Ministry of Health. There is a clean Sato Toilet with a hand washing station with soap for demonstration. The kitchen is used for cooking and for demonstration, showing the clean cook stoves and can also be used during trainings and meetings. Inside the model village there is a kiosk where health and hygiene products are displayed. The community can access the model for purchase of water or health products and information.