Community Outreach/Mobilization


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SWAP creates awareness on health related topics to remote and vulnerable community members including Community Health volunteers, community support support groups as well as the general public.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Chiela-business-1.jpgSWAP promotes and demonstrates household water treatment and other health and hygiene products using through social behavioral change communications, an interactive behavioral change technique with the community, building on existing knowledge and helping them to adopt positive behavioral change.
SWAP introduces safe water systems interventions which includes safe water treatment,ceramic filters, safe water storage and hygiene promotion including hand washing. Further education is done on hygiene promotion, malaria prevention, Reproductive health and maternal and child health.

Mobilization is done through local administration, church gatherings, health stakeholders and  other existing community structures. These forums are used to introduce new research and programs to seek their support.
SWAP participates during national and international events such as world water day, global hand washing day, world toilet day and world AIDS Day, whereby we exhibit our products and market SWAP.